Special Education
North Rose-Wolcott Community (students, families and educational staff) believe that our students with special needs, when given the right supports, will have a desire to learn and reach their full potential.
The Mission of the North Rose-Wolcott Central School District Special Education Department is to create in students the desire to reach their personal aspirations, in an environment that is committed to the success of all students. This will be done through assisting students, setting individualized goals and by supporting them through the use of best practices and a continuum of services.
District Special Education Plan
2024-25 NRW Special Education Plan (PDF)
- Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3-21 - A Parent's Guide
- NYSED Procedural Safeguards Notice
- Council for Exceptional Children
- NY Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange
- Learning Disabilities Online
- National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
- NYS Dept of Education - Special Education
Contact Us
Chelsea Eaton
Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
(315) 594-3133
Chelsey Palmer
CSE Secretary
(315) 594-3114 (ext. 1109)
Harley Seager
CPSE Secretary
(315) 594-3132